Lifestyle & stress

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Atopic eczema can be quite severe, so much that it actually shapes your life. If you ask people with chronical diseases that affect them severely they wil generally tell you that to avoid symptoms, they have to be carefull to:

1. Get enough sleep
2. Exercise regurarly
3. Avoid stress

Now, if you haven't experimented with these factors you could be unraveling a whole new chapter in tackeling your eczema, as I have found these extremely important. The two first are self explanitory, but it needs resolve behind it. I will dedicate an own post for how i exercise later.

To get enough sleep and exercise regurarly, to me, is very closely related to stress. If i don't get enough sleep, or if I don't get to blow off steam when exercising I get very stressed. It gets hard to concentrate, I crave more shitty food and I scratch myself like a crack addict.

When do you scratch? Thats a very important question I ask my self. I know that a lot of the itch I feel is not caused in the skin, but in the mind as Im feeling impatient or stressed. When I do scratch my skin because of these impulses, I am causing irritation and actual itching in the skin, it resembles a bad circle doesn't it?

If I'm scratching more than usual one day, it is probably because I am feeling uneasy about something, a very good sollution, for me, is to take a run or get the energy out in some way. This does not only let out energy and make my skin better, but also helps me think on the things that bother me clearly. There will always be problems stacking up before me, and I have to know how to tackle the impact they make.

When working or studying, I often find myself scratching away when concentrating on something difficult or if im stuck at a problem. Then it's important to remember to take breathing brakes, I don't go to facebook or news (both can be a source of stress for me) but I take a stroll around the room and maybe puzzle on the problem. Or just get some air and clear my head. This makes it easier to avvoid scratching for me.

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